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Andrew Solter

Upper School Mathematics and Learning Specialist

Originally a Southern California transplant to Berkeley, Andrew fell in love with Bay Area living. He studied biology at Cal and has worked in math and science education since 2007 at various grade levels from K-12. He enthusiastically believes the middle school years are some of the most educationally pivotal and is passionate about helping students find their own rhythms that set the tone for their future successes. Andrew enjoys hiking, biking, and camping in the outdoors, tending to his garden and houseplants, and has recently rediscovered a love for tennis. After a practice round with three small dogs, he and his wife now raise three small children, chasing them around to parts unknown. Andrew is happy to be joining the learning services team this year.

Teaching Since





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Other Faculty for This Grade

Aly Mitchell

Alyson Mitchell

Eighth Grade History & Geography Teacher

Keen on floating houses and mutant Basset Hounds

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Anatoliy Gulimovskiy

Anatoliy Gulimovskiy

Seventh Grade Math Teacher, Math Club / Math Team Coach

Played soccer on a Zambian teacher team

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Carla Rodea

Carla Rodea

Eighth Grade Spanish Teacher

I speak several languages.

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Carwai Seto

Eighth Grade Math Teacher

Loves to travel

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Cheryl Sumsion

Fourth-Sixth Grade Music Teacher

Tamed a mechanical bull in Nashville, Tennessee.

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Dena Marie

Dena Marie

Seventh Grade Spanish Teacher

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Emmeline Hill

Emmeline Hill

Sixth Grade Science Teacher and Sixth Grade-Level Coordinator

Herded sheep by motorbike in Australia.

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Gerry Branner

Upper School Physical Education Teacher and Upper School Athletic Director

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Gwen Hornig

Gwen Hornig

Eighth Grade English and Eighth Grade Drama Teacher

Ask me about the time I had a magical and terrifying stand-off with a bison in the Badlands.

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Jerry Kennedy

Jerry Kennedy

Seventh and Eighth Grade Music Teacher, Band Director

Performed music in South Africa during the end of legal apartheid.

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Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Cohen

Eighth Grade Science Teacher

Apprenticed with a luthier, adept with a paddle

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Kathy Henderson

Kathy Henderson

Sixth & Seventh Grade Math Teacher

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Maggie Hardy

Maggie Hardy

Seventh Grade History Teacher

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Maria Palmer

Sixth Grade English Teacher

Loves to write or paint

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Melissa Jiménez

Melissa Jiménez

Upper School Art Teacher

Once entered a Mean Girls t-shirt design contest and, after winning, my shirt was sold in stores and was able to see Mean Girls on Broadway!

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Nataliya Vdovychenko

Nataliya Vdovychenko

Upper School Assistant Teacher

Fluent Russian speaker

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Rem Djemilev

BPC String Orchestra Leader

Creates musical arrangements for fun

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Sage Ellenwood

Seventh Grade Science Teacher

Kissed a shark once!

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Sarah Roggero

Sixth Grade Spanish Teacher

My birthday is April 1st, no joke!

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Stephanie Piper

Stephanie Piper

Seventh Grade English Teacher

Obsessed with the Salem witchcraft trials

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Torin Coffino

Torin Coffino

Sixth Grade History Teacher

Played Gaelic Football as a youth, and won a Minors championship in Ireland

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Xiaoyan Xu

Upper School Mandarin Teacher

Once ate deep-fried silkworms

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Zina Gulimovskaya

Zina Gulimovskaya

Seventh Grade Math Assistant, Math Team Coach

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