Physical Education & Sports
Cultivating a Lifelong Appreciation of Sport
for Fun & Fitness
Movement Matters!

Our students run, jump, skip, throw and catch, navigate obstacle courses, play soccer, volleyball, basketball, and hockey, scale our climbing wall, and experience yoga and dance.
Our friendly and creative coaches focus on fitness, teamwork, and perseverance through an endless variety of games and sports. We aim for engaged participation in every class and inspire all students to reach for new heights.
After-School Athletics

In addition to the weekly physical education curriculum, upper school students can participate in co-ed, interscholastic competitions in soccer, basketball, and volleyball. An after-school tennis club and a Taekwondo Club for lower school students are regularly offered.
Athletic Facilities
On Campus

Upper School Yard
This central campus area contains our climbing wall, a favorite activity for both upper and lower school students. It is used for physical education lessons, after-school sports, and recess. Popular activities here include basketball, four-square, volleyball, yoga, and more.

Lower School Yard
This central campus area contains our play structure for our youngest students as well as marked courts for basketball, four square, and hopscotch. It is in near-constant use, whether for physical education, after-school sports, or recess. Popular activities include soccer, wallball and other ball games, tennis club, and more.

Athletic Field
All students enjoy this field for physical education and recess: soccer, dodgeball, banana tag, parachute games, pilates, and dance all happen here.
Near Campus

James Kenney Community Center & Park
This community center gymnasium is used for soccer and basketball, while the fields host our Walkathon, our Annual Games Day & barbecue, and more.

George Florence Park
This green field is used for sports, games, science experiments like rocket launches, our Holi Festival of Colors activities, and more.
Aquatic Park
We are fortunate to be located near the rich environment of the San Francisco Bay. Students visit this shoreline park for citizen science outings or as part of the Running Club or Walking Club, when offered.