Aïda Garcia-Pons
Lower School Spanish Teacher
Aïda Garcia-Pons is a native of Barcelona, Spain, and has been teaching languages and translating young adult novels for over 20 years. She graduated from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) with a B.A. in Interpreting and Translation in five different languages (the equivalent of a master’s in the U.S.), and obtained a TESOL certificate in the UK before teaching English and British Literature & Culture in China and Bangladesh. She also has been trained in the Responsive Classroom approach. After returning to Europe, she taught Spanish and English in Oxford, UK. In the classroom, Aïda loves to turn language into a real and fun tool, and she gives her students multiple opportunities to use it in real life-situations. Whether it be role-playing or taking her classes on field trips, K-5 students are constantly exposed to and using Spanish. Aïda is an avid reader and a passionate student of languages. When not teaching or translating, she enjoys going on adventures with her family and friends. Aïda joined the Black Pine Circle community in January 2022 and loves sharing her knowledge and experience with her students, from whom she also learns a lot.
Why I Work with Children
Children are our future, it is a joy to be learning from them.
A Favorite Book
Viaje al país de los lacetas, by Sebastià Sorribas.
Quick Fact
Aïda attended the same elementary school as opera tenor Josep Carreras.