Aly Mitchell


Alyson Mitchell

Eighth Grade History & Geography Teacher

Aly Mitchell is celebrating her 27th year as an educator. She holds a B.S. in human development from UC Davis and a multiple subject teaching credential from CSU, Chico. She was an elementary school teacher for eight years in the Cambrian School District in San Jose. During her last two years there, she served on special assignments as a literacy and math coach and mentor teacher. She was also selected to attend a summer institute at the National Archives in Washington D.C. that focused on using primary sources in history research and classroom education. After that, Aly lived in Tokyo for four years, during which time she earned a certificate in peace education from Columbia University. She joined the BPC upper school faculty in 2007. Aly is a regular participant in Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History summer programs. She recently studied the Civil War with renowned historian Gary Gallagher in Gettysburg, PA. She is an avid San Francisco Giants fan and loves to travel. She lives in Berkeley on a houseboat with her husband and two children (both BPC alums), a clumsy cat, and a monstrous basset hound.

Teaching Since





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Why I Work with Children

I try to raise global citizens who consistently think beyond their borders, cultures, and tribes.

A Favorite Book

The Atlas Obscura. It is a guide to under-appreciated world wonders that inspires wanderlust. My bucket list continues to grow.

Quick Fact

Keen on floating houses and mutant Basset Hounds

Other Faculty for This Grade

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Carla Rodea

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Gerry Branner

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Gwen Hornig

Gwen Hornig

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Ask me about the time I had a magical and terrifying stand-off with a bison in the Badlands.

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Jerry Kennedy

Jerry Kennedy

Seventh and Eighth Grade Music Teacher, Band Director

Performed music in South Africa during the end of legal apartheid.

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Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Cohen

Eighth Grade Science Teacher

Apprenticed with a luthier, adept with a paddle

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Maria Palmer

Sixth Grade English Teacher

Loves to write or paint

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Nataliya Vdovychenko

Nataliya Vdovychenko

Upper School Assistant Teacher

Fluent Russian speaker

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Rem Djemilev

BPC String Orchestra Leader

Creates musical arrangements for fun

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Sarah Roggero

Sixth Grade Spanish Teacher

My birthday is April 1st, no joke!

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Xiaoyan Xu

Upper School Mandarin Teacher

Once ate deep-fried silkworms

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