Team BPC Participates in Odyssey of the Mind Competition


For the second year, BPC’s Lower School is participating in the international creative design competition, Odyssey of the Mind. Seven 4th and 5th graders have been selected to participate, under the leadership of science teacher Nicole Lockwood. The team will choose one of five challenges (called problems) and create an eight-minute solution to bring before a panel of judges at the qualifying tournament in late February 2023.

Odyssey of the Mind team members doing a team-building challenge at their first meeting. 

Their presentation will be judged based on factors such as overall creativity, effectiveness, quality and functional engineering. The team has not yet chosen which of the problems they will take on, but they are strongly considering  the “classics” problem which is inspired by The Iliad and involves the creation of a Trojan Horse.

On coaching Odyssey of the Mind for a second year, Ms. Lockwood said, “I’m really excited. We have a great team and I can’t wait to see what they come up with. Odyssey of the Mind was founded in 1978 (just like me) and was integrating science, technology, engineering, art and math long before the term STEAM was coined. The program perfectly aligns with the spirit and mission of BPC.” 

Go team BPC!