Paci Seeds of Change Day

Paci Day kids gardening

This month we celebrated Paci Seeds of Change Day at BPC! On this day, an annual tradition at BPC, all students K–8, along with their teachers, participate in a variety of community service activities in honor of Mary Paci, a longtime board member, philanthropist, and grandmother of two BPC alums.

BPC, with the help of our wonderful Community Matters parent volunteers, partnered again this year with many local organizations, all within walking distance from BPC, to provide meaningful service opportunities for everyone. Activities, many of them cross-grade, included assembling hygiene kits for Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency from items donated by BPC families, playing games with residents at our neighboring Elegance Senior Center, delivering enrichment toys for animals at Berkeley Animal Care Services, reading and drawing with preschoolers at Nia House, and doing a beach cleanup at Brickyard Cove Park. Our students also volunteered at Strawberry Creek, Friends of Five Creeks, Meals on Wheels, the Multicultural Institute, and Waterside Workshops at Aquatic Park, organizations BPC is continuing to strengthen its partnerships with. Thank you to all our parent volunteers who helped our teachers with supervising and participating in activities!