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DeAndre Calhoun Interim Head of School 2024-25
Thank you for voting BPC a winner again!
(approx. 1 minute)
Greta B. Wong Director of Enrollment and Admissions Susana Barajas Admissions and Advancement Associate 510-529-2749 Email Admissions
“The relationship among the adults has more to do with the character and the quality of a school than any other factor.”
Roland Barthes
October 16, 2024
Dear Black Pine Circle Community,
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that, after an extensive search process, Jase Turner has been chosen as BPC’s new Head of School, effective July 1, 2025. The Board, with input from the Search Advisory and Finalist Consultative Committees, is confident that Jase is the best person for the position. The decision took into account the school’s mission, values and strategic priorities, as well as a close examination of hundreds of opinions submitted by various BPC constituents.
It is clear that Jase is a collaborative, and dedicated leader with a passion for fostering transformative educational experiences and a proven track record of designing, implementing, and evaluating academic and co-curricular programs grounded in academic excellence. He is deeply committed to the expanding role of education for social change and meeting the needs of 21st-century students. Jase’s leadership style emphasizes mission-alignment, partnership, data-driven decision making, and equitable student care. He works hard to foster a sense of belonging, social justice, and self-advocacy, while cultivating a strong school culture.
Jase has been an independent school educator and administrative leader in elementary through high school settings for over 15 years. He comes to us from The Seven Hills School, where he is currently Assistant Head of School for Strategic Priorities, focusing on overseeing and refining a dynamic, rich, and relevant academic curriculum, as well as strengthening the social and emotional well-being of students. Jase also leads Seven Hills’ efforts to carry out goals from the school’s strategic plan, including diversity, equity, and inclusion work across admissions, hiring, curriculum, and school policy. In the 2022–23 school year, Jase stepped into the Acting Head of School role while the Head of School was on a planned sabbatical. During this time, Jase oversaw all aspects of the day-to-day operations of the school, including working closely with the Board of Directors.
His journey in education also includes three years as a teacher and advisor at Redwood Day’s middle school and nine years at Bishop O’Dowd High School, where he made an impact as Director of Academic Support and Associate Principal for Student Life, among other roles.
A key finding from the search was the community's consistent desire to preserve what makes our school culture unique as we continue to grow. From his years of experience in East Bay independent schools, Jase understands what sets us apart from other independent schools in the area. We are confident that Jase is the right person to uphold our school’s mission and values—curiosity, community, inquiry, and voice—while guiding us through the next phase of BPC’s evolution. The Board’s impressions of Jase aligned closely with those of other community members:
“Jase strikes me as a humble, caring leader, with a history of bringing people together around strategy and direction in Bay Area independent schools. He is approachable, yet holds a strong vision for our school that closely aligns with our values.”
“He clearly values the Socratic method and in growing students who are strong thinkers, open to hearing other perspectives. He values our commitment to the arts and student voice.”
“I think his vision is one that would align well with BPC's mission. He strikes a balance between academic rigor and social emotional learning. He understands the world has changed and is willing to innovate to prepare the young people for their future.”
With this announcement, Jase is stepping down as a member of the BPC Board of Directors and he will begin working closely with Interim Head of School DeAndre Calhoun and a specially formed Transition Committee to ensure a smooth and thoughtful transition.
I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone in our community who participated in this months-long search process. Please join me in welcoming Jase Turner to the Black Pine Circle community. We look forward to the positive impact he will undoubtedly make on our school as we embark on a new chapter under his leadership.
Lukasz Strozek (Iza, 4th) Chair, Search Team Chair, Board of Directors
Dear Black Pine Circle School Community,
I am genuinely honored to have been given the opportunity to serve as Black Pine Circle’s next Head of School. I am excited to lead a community that believes strongly in child-centered teaching through inquiry, exploration, and discovery, with an emphasis on rigor and on integrating academics with music, drama, and the visual arts. BPC’s mission to create a learning community that encourages humanity, empathy, moral depth, cultural understanding, and intellectual freedom resonates deeply with me. It is through this mission that we can build and nurture the environment for rich learning to take place. The care BPC takes of its students allows them to stretch intellectually and emotionally, demonstrate resilience, develop meaningful relationships with one another, and to feel like they belong.
During my visits, I learned a lot! Whether it was when meeting with faculty and staff, counting on the carpet with kindergarteners, exploring in the garden, having lunch and hearing what our lower and upper school students have on their mind (and being challenged to several games of Connect Four!), observing classes enjoying Socratic discussions, or meeting with parents and caregivers and hearing why they love BPC and what they hope for its future… I could go on. I didn’t want to leave. I felt inspired.
The warmth, connection, and authentic sense of belonging I experienced during my time with all constituents––students, faculty and staff, parents and caregivers, and board members––affirmed my desire to join this amazing community as it embarks on its next chapter. BPC has a strong history of fostering the freedom and trust to challenge students, encouraging them to be curious, think critically, and demonstrate deep understanding, which enables them to excel in math, music, arts, and language. I am excited for our future together.
I am extremely grateful to the Board of Directors for entrusting me with the privilege of leading BPC, and the Search Advisory Committee, led by Board Chair Lukasz Strozek and Vice Chair Max Christoff, for their support in the process. DeAndre and I will be working closely together to ensure a smooth transition as we continue building on the legacy of John Carlstroem and those who came before him.
Thank you all for welcoming me into this very special community!
Jase Turner
After almost two decades of Dr. John Carlstroem being Black Pine Circle School’s illustrious Head of School, he moved on to his next adventure in Maui at the end of the 2023–24 school year. We are looking for a new Head of School to begin with the 2025–2026 school year. As BPC looks to the future, with exciting new opportunities for growth, we are focused on building on our foundational principles of Curiosity, Community, Inquiry, and Voice.
Black Pine Circle School, K–8, is renowned for its unique approach to education, blending challenging academics with a high-caliber arts program. A 50-year-old elementary and middle school with a compelling mission and a distinctive place in the Bay Area independent school landscape, BPC is a beacon of innovation and excellence with an unwavering commitment to marrying Socratic discourse with a deep dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Our exceptional school provides a nurturing environment where students are encouraged to engage in critical thinking, creative expression, and collaborative learning. The fusion of rigorous academics, a vibrant arts program, and an exceptionally warm community cultivates well-rounded individuals with a lifelong love of learning who are well prepared to excel in the complexities of the modern world.
Dear BPC Community,
I have some bittersweet news to share with you all. After 19 years as BPC’s Head of School, I will be moving on at the end of this school year.
I’m going to move to Maui, Hawai’i, to run a Montessori school located in Makawao, and will begin there on July 1, 2024.
We have six months to continue enjoying our wonderful partnership.
As you can imagine, this is an extraordinary opportunity and a huge professional and personal shift for me and my family. I’ve always believed it is my job to “walk the talk" when I tell the students to push themselves to keep learning and growing into their zone of proximal development, and this is another opportunity for me to model that essential element of the BPC experience.
This school community has meant so much to me, my wife, Natasha, and our daughter, Marina, (proud alum –class of 2015). The relationships we’ve made with the people who make up this unique school will be relationships we hold on to for the rest of our lives. So even announcing my plans has me misty-eyed.
I’d like to especially thank the wonderful Board Members I’ve worked with in my time, and in particular the Board Chairs, David Kellert, Eric Sullivan, Peter Wong, and Shalini Sharp.
I’d also like to thank every teacher and administrator I’ve had the pleasure of working with over these past 19 years.
For 50 years, Black Pine Circle School has underlined and emanated Socrates’ most famous line: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” And like so many of us, over the past three-plus years, I’ve been examining where the next challenge will be for me, professionally. Montessori School of Maui has much in common with Black Pine Circle School, despite a nine-acre campus, banyan trees, and miles of blue water in the distance. We’ll see how this proverbial “city mouse” does in a new habitat. We are, as a family, excited and know it will be hard to say goodbye. However, If COVID taught us anything, it is that this life is not a dress rehearsal.
Some of you know that as a younger person I was able to spend summers in Southeast Alaska researching humpback whales, and winters in Maui, with many of these same Alaskan whales (fluke identification helped me know this to be true). So, in many ways, returning to Maui to run a school is a dream come true.
Black Pine Circle School will always be one of the most special places in the world to me! I hope to visit often and can’t wait to see BPC’s plans for the future come to fruition.
John Carlstroem Head of School Black Pine Circle School
As John Carlstroem has let you know, he will be leaving Black Pine Circle School at the end of the 2023–24 school year after 19 years. This certainly is a bittersweet moment, as we know that John and his family are making big and exciting changes, and we wish them all the very best. At the same time, of course, John will be sorely missed. I’d like to thank John for his tireless work on behalf of the school over almost two decades, for his unwavering dedication to always putting students first, for his compassion and empathy for our whole community, and for his thoughtful and philosophical approach to life and work. We will find further occasions to celebrate John between now and the end of the year, and we will never be able to truly thank him for all that he has given to our school.
John will remain Head of School through the remainder of this school year. After this time, and for the 2024–25 school year, DeAndre Calhoun, the Head of our Upper School and Assistant Head of School, will take on the role of Interim Head of School, during which time we will conduct a formal search process. At the same time, Andra Marziano, Dean of Upper School Students and Assistant Head of Upper School, will take on the Interim Head of Upper School role. We are lucky to have such experienced and committed professionals to take the helm at this time of great change, and the Board looks forward to working with DeAndre and Andra.
Thank you again to John for making BPC the special place that it is today.
Shalini Sharp, Board Chair, on behalf of the BPC Board of Directors
First of all, I wanted to express my deep gratitude to everyone who has engaged with our Head of School finalists and shared their opinion with us. The questions you’ve asked have been thoughtful, not always easy to answer (in a good way!), and have allowed us to learn more deeply about each candidate. Even some of our lower school students got to ask questions (also very thoughtful, I’m told) and hear the answers... and I’m sure shared their opinions with parents at home! The candidates, for their part, have all told us that they have deeply appreciated the interactions. It was clear to them that this community truly cares about the students, about the mission of the school, and about BPC’s next chapter. Each of them would be honored and delighted to help lead the school in this very exciting time.
Now that the fourth and last finalist has departed our campus, you must be wondering: what’s next in the process? When do we learn who BPC’s next Head of School is going to be?
The quick answer is: things are going to be very quiet, until there is an announcement! Our Search Advisory Committee, comprising members of the BPC staff, faculty and Board of Directors, is going to look at all the information available to us – the candidates’ applications, the survey results, references, as well as detailed evaluations by the Finalist Consultative Committee (a second committee we formed specially for the search, also consisting of various BPC constituents) – and make their recommendation to the BPC Board. The Board, in turn, as per its responsibility, will vote on their choice. While this seems simple on paper, reality is often more complicated... there are negotiations, the candidates may have other offers, so timing is key, etc. Moreover, once the Board secures the next Head of School, we will be coordinating the timing of the announcements with announcements at that person’s current school. We are hoping to conclude the search as soon as possible, but it’s difficult to predict the exact timing. Those involved in the process are committing to confidentiality for the sake of our next Head of School and other finalists, so please bear with us!
If you have any questions about the process (as opposed to the decision!), please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. It’s been our key goal from the very beginning to make sure that we are transparent and as fair as possible. In the meantime, below is a short FAQ that might be of help.
[also see additional Q&A below]
May has been a busy month for the Search Team! After several months of outreach, recruitment, and cultivating prospective Head of School candidates, the Advisory Committee spent an entire weekend earlier in May interviewing semi-finalist candidates. With thorough and thoughtful deliberation, the committee selected finalists. They are eager to meet members of the broader community and learn more about the school. Each finalist will visit the school in September for the finalist round. It will be an eventful back-to-school month!
The Search Team will help us fine-tune (and help host) the very full 2 ½ day visit for each finalist, designed for them to meet each constituency of the school — students, parents, teachers, staff members, alums, board members. The visits will also allow the community to better understand each finalist's experience, perspectives, and temperament. As the '24-'25 school year begins, the community will learn more about opportunities to meet the finalists on campus. The Head of School Search continues to be a high-quality process facilitated by our Search Consultants, Steve and Cathy at RG175, and our dedicated Search Team. For a detailed reminder about our search process and timeline, please see here. Otherwise, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Search Team Chair Lukasz Strozek at strozek@gmail.com.
Lukasz Strozek BPC Parent Chair, Search Team Vice Chair, BPC Board of Directors
Friday, April 19 was the application deadline for BPC's next Head of School, and we are pleased to report that we have an impressive, robust, and diverse set of applicants. Our Search Consultants at RG175, Steve and Cathy, have been hard at work cultivating and doing deep dive interviews with numerous candidates, as well as meeting with the Search Team to solicit input and to move the process forward.
This week, the Search Advisory Committee will help identify 7-9 semi-finalists. In May, we expect to have 3-4 finalists who will then visit BPC in September/October 2024 for the finalist round. All community members will be invited to meet our Head of School finalists when they come to campus.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at strozek@gmail.com.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we have begun taking initial steps to identify BPC’s next Head of School, who will join our community on July 1, 2025. While hiring the Head of School is the ultimate responsibility of the Board, we are focused on making the process leading up to the Board's decision inclusive, and we welcome your active participation.
As you heard at BPC’s State of School, we have formed a Search Team. Members of this group will collaborate with consultants Cathy Hunter and Steve Morris from the nationally acclaimed school search firm RG175 on various parts of the search process, including the selection of a handful of qualified finalists for the position. The broader BPC community will be invited to participate both in person and through surveys. Based on a broad array of feedback and their own time learning about the candidates, members of the Search Team will make a recommendation to the BPC Board.
The RG175 team is distributing a survey and will conduct in-person meetings to understand BPC's strengths, the challenges/opportunities likely to face our next Head, and the qualities we seek in candidates. To participate, you can:
Parents are invited to a Zoom meeting on Thursday, February 15, at 7:00pm or an in-person breakfast meeting on Friday, February 16 at 8:00am at 844 University (entrance at 2010 Addison Street).
Faculty, administrators, staff, and students will meet with our consultants one-on-one or in small groups.
The survey will also provide an opportunity for you to let our consultants know about any potential candidates who you think they should contact. Input from the diverse constituents of our Black Pine Circle community will help us improve our outreach to candidates and better determine the qualities we need in BPC’s next leader.
Thanks to John Carlstroem's superb stewardship of the school and the generous lead-time we have before his departure, we will have the luxury of carefully considering an extraordinarily strong group of applicants between now and November 2024. We are committed to facilitating a smooth leadership transition and will continue to update you as our work progresses.
Thank you, Lukasz Strozek
BPC Parent Chair, Search Team Vice Chair, BPC Board of Directors
Search Team established / Consultants visit BPC for Discovery
Position Statement crafted and disseminated broadly
Candidate recruitment
Selection of finalists
Finalist Round
Appointment of next Head of School
Head of School begins tenure at BPC
added 10/2/24
We aim for the new Head of School to start on July 1st, 2025. This allows the new Head to finish the school year at their current school, and gives them some time to get onboarded and get to know the faculty and staff, in time to kick off the next school year. In addition to this, a Transition Committee will be formed to help support an effective transition in the months ahead of the new Head’s start date.
Independent schools often have educators/leaders at peer schools on boards. It’s not uncommon for a sitting Board member to be a candidate. That said, we have taken very careful steps to avoid as many potential conflicts as possible. This was actually something that Steve and Cathy, our excellent search consultants, have been very helpful in their advice on how to handle. Now that you know that one of the candidates is a Board member (remember that we had to maintain confidentiality right up until their visit), I can offer a bit more transparency:
As soon as the search process started, the Board asked the candidate to recuse himself from any Board conversation related to the search. The candidate was not present in any executive sessions or Board deliberations regarding the search and did not have access to any search-related materials. The Search Advisory Committee was structured to purposefully include members of various BPC constituents, not just Board members, and in fact, we have structured it in a way that no one constituent (including the Board members) constituted a majority. The Search Advisory Committee, in forming their recommendation, is following a defined process which includes a thorough analysis of the various assessments across all the different constituents.
Finally, every BPC Board member is very serious about their responsibility to the school, which includes selecting the best candidate to be BPC’s next Head of School.
We will have had multiple conversations with the finalists before we make the choice, to understand where they are in the process, whether they have any timing constraints, and to build mutual confidence that, if selected, they will accept our offer. Of course, unanticipated circumstances can arise. Fortunately, we have a very strong pool of four finalists. It is important to emphasize, though, that the Board is committing to the BPC community that it will only present an offer to candidates who they firmly believe to be an excellent fit for the role.
Absolutely! The Search Advisory Committee is going through all the survey results (including all individual comments!) and any other input we have separately received. One of the most cherished and valuable aspects of the BPC community is that we have strong constituents, each with their own voice, and each voice contributes to the whole.
Back in April and May, as our consultants, Steve and Cathy, did their tour of BPC, interviewing the community (remember that time?), a lot of thought was put into the Position Description for the BPC Head of School role. This Position Description has served as a beacon throughout the evaluation process, helping us understand what makes a great fit. In addition to this, the Board spent time in May discussing criteria that matter the most. Yes, each finalist is different, but in its comprehensive analysis of the materials, the Search Advisory Committee (and, ultimately, the Board) feel empowered to identify how the candidates stack up against what truly matters for BPC’s future success.
We expect the search to take place between now and September 2024, culminating in the selection of the next Head of School in late September-early October for a July 1, 2025 start.
The Search Team assists the Search Chair and the search firm we have selected, RG175, in all aspects of the search, including identifying and interviewing candidates, and making a final recommendation to the BPC Board of Directors. The Search Team includes smaller committees (such as the Search Advisory Committee) tasked with specific responsibilities. The selection of the Head of School is the ultimate responsibility of the Board of Directors.
RG175 has already coordinated opportunities for the community to provide feedback about the most important criteria in this search. This feedback, along with interviews, and references and background checks, will inform the recommendation for Head of School to the Board of Directors.
The Search Team intends to ensure that the search process fulfills Black Pine Circle School's commitment to be thorough, fair, transparent, and inclusive.
Search Team members include upper and lower school parents, faculty, administrators, and Board members. They were chosen by the Board of Directors for their deep connections and contributions to Black Pine Circle School as well as their expertise in specific areas, such as K-8 education. Members of the constituent committees agreed to specific commitments required to perform the committees’ duties.
We are very fortunate to have a strong, diverse, and expert community to help guide our search.
During the process, there will be various opportunities for Black Pine Circle community members to provide input. Most recently, community members were invited to meet with RG175 consultants and to participate in an online survey. RG175 has also met with administrators, faculty, parents/guardians, and students.
All community members will also be invited to meet our Head of School finalists when they come to campus. Information about the schedule will be announced when available.
In addition to the faculty/staff who will serve on the Search Team and the various committees, Black Pine Circle School employees will be actively engaged throughout the search by taking the time to meet candidates when they visit the school, welcoming visitors into their classrooms, and providing other means of input as requested by the Search Team. The search process takes place over an extended period and will not impact the effectiveness of Black Pine Circle School employees nor will it significantly reduce classroom time for our teachers.
No. Our faculty, staff, and administrators remain committed to fulfilling our primary goal, which is to transform the lives of students through extraordinary educational experiences. Additionally, our Head of School, John Carlstroem, remains committed to the day-to-day responsibilities of leading our school through June 30, 2024, and will have the full support of the Board during his final months of service.
After this time, and for the 2024–25 school year, DeAndre Calhoun, the Head of our Upper School and Assistant Head of School, will take on the role of Interim Head of School. At the same time, Andra Marziano, Dean of Upper School Students and Assistant Head of Upper School, will take on the Interim Head of Upper School role.