Major School Events
Connect & Enrich Your Experience
Gain Insight into Your Child’s Experience

Curriculum Nights
Parent/guardian-only events during which teachers explain their curriculum plans for the year.
Science Fair
Student science projects K-7 are on display; in 5th-7th grades, students staff their table to answer questions.
Theatrical Performances
Lower school parents are invited by grade to Friday morning Performances of Understanding twice each year. Eighth grade culminates with an all-class dramatic performance.
Upper School Parent Orientations
Brief introductions by grade for parents/guardians, held at the beginning of the year.
Students share the fruits of all their practicing with concerts showcasing their individual and ensemble talents. Concerts include the Winter & Spring Concerts, Solo Recital Concerts, Ensemble Concerts, as well as the All-Bands Concert.
K–8 Art Exhibit Opening & MasterWorks Presentations
Our theater is transformed into a gallery of themed artwork and students get to answer questions about their pieces on display. Families can also view the eighth graders' MasterWorks presentations.
Beloved School Traditions

K–5 Halloween Festival
A festival organized by eighth grade students and parent volunteers including a costume parade, a haunted house created by the 5th grade class, plus themed activity booths.
K–5 Lunar New Year Festival
A parent/guardian-run event held every other year, where children enjoy games, activities, food, and a lion dance parade in celebration of the Lunar New Year.
K–8 Games Day
An end-of-year day of team and relay games at a local park with a barbecue lunch served by parents/guardians.
Holi Festival of Colors
A vibrant and playful event that gets the whole school laughing together.
A fundraiser for BPC’s financial assistance program, organized by the Community Matters Committee, and held at James Kenney Park.
Generations Day
Grandparents, relatives, and close family friends are invited to visit our school to enjoy activities in the classrooms with their host students as well as upper and lower school musical performances.
Parent/Staff Musical Showcase
Every other year, the many professional musicians and ardent amateurs among our parents, faculty, & administration take to the stage for a lightly rehearsed but rolicking good performance often cited as a favorite.
Get to Know & Enjoy This Inviting Community

Class Socials (K-8)
Social events hosted by parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year as a way to get to know each other and to reconnect.
Spring Soirée
Black Pine Circle School’s primary fundraising event of the year: An unforgettable evening of music, dancing, and great food and wine, featuring a silent & live auction.
Back-to-School Picnic
A catered picnic held in Tilden Park with games, arts & crafts, and high-spirited fun! Held in honor of BPC’s founders.
Opportunities to Learn More
Javas with John
An open discussion forum for parents/guardians held several times a year, hosted by our head of school.
Parent Education Evenings
We host film screenings and talks with experts on childhood development and the parenting concerns of our time.
State of the School
Learn about the operations, current budget, programs, and aspirations of the school.