
calendar: October

High School Information Night for 8th Grade Families Featuring a Panel of BPC Alums

Every year in October, BPC alums, now freshman and seniors attending a variety of Bay Area high schools are invited to share insights into their high school experiences, discuss how BPC prepared them, and talk about their involvement in a wide range of activities, including: Athletics, Student Leadership & Government, Academic Clubs & Competitions, School Publications & Journalism, Arts and Performing Arts, Cultural, Social, & Affinity Groups, and Special Interest Clubs.

calendar: APRIL

9th Grade Reunion

We hear all the time about the lifelong friendships fostered at our school, and the “9th Grade Reunion” is intended to strengthen our bonds even more. 2025 will be our fourth year hosting this event at Codornices Park.

calendar: MAY

Senior Send-Off

The annual much-loved and anticipated Senior Send-Off for soon-to-be high school grads is an opportunity for our alums to reconnect over cookies and chips, while their parents gather nearby to reminisce over wine and cheese. Befitting this right of passage, there’s always lots of laughter and smiles and, yes, a few tears.